Homeopathic Creams to the Rescue
Homeopathy can be a life saver in first-aid situations. For example, I wrote in Impossible Cure about the power of
Arnica to treat bumps, bruises, and shock situations, and I wrote a newsletter about Ledum, Hypericum and other remedies for insect bites. Any frequent visitor to a health food store
also knows about the power of low-potency Calendula cream to seal up wounds. (By the way, higher potencies of Calendula can be taken internally as a way to fight infections.)
My own homeopath, Deborah Olenev, has recently come out with a line of great homeopathic creams. These are wonderful for first-aid situations and are particularly useful when you want to use a low-dose external remedy. In my
experience, these low-potency homeopathic creams don't antidote an internally taken remedy.
Please do check out these very nice homeopathic first-aid creams at www.firstaidcreams.com.