Impossible Cure Newsletter -- May 2012


Much to the Dismay of the "Skeptics," Homeopathy Is Boosted in Many Countries Around the World

I often write about the tactics of the quackbuster groups around the world and their efforts to smear all medical alternatives, with homeopathy being their favorite target. Luckily, all is not bleak! There are countries in the world that have benefited so much from homeopathy, or have sufficient neutrality, courage, and honesty to evaluate the evidence and give homeopathy its due, that they boost homeopathy for their citizens -- no matter what Big Pharma may think or do.

Check out these hopeful developments on the global world stage for homeopathy:

  • Comprehensive and refreshingly unbiased Swiss government report concludes: Homeopathy is effective, safe, and saves money! In fact, the report concludes with a recommendation that homeopathy be covered by the Swiss national health service. Dana Ullman's fantastic two-part series for the Huffington Post describes the results of this landmark study that was released in late 2011 and also as a book in English (Bornhoft and Matthiessen, 2011): Ullman -- Part 1 ; Ullman -- Part 2
  • The Mexican government is boosting the production of homeopathic medicines in its efforts to provide affordable and effective care. Mexico is making an effort to provide universal health care and knows that homeopathy provides a way to do so that is affordable .
  • The Indian government also knows that the only way to affordably and effectively care for its vast population, it must expand its use of the wide array of medical alternatives in its country -- homeopathy being one of the most popular.
  • Brazil's April 2012 edition of Scientific American is boosting homeopathy as eco-sensitive medicine -- safe and effective for agricultural use! There have been some recent amazing studies showing the effectiveness of using homeopathy for plants. In fact, I plan to write an Impossible Cure newsletter about them in the future. Now how can plants be responding to the "placebo effect"?! Check out this translated excerpt from the Brazilian article, by Nina Ximenes, a biologist and postgraduate environmental education student. BRAVO! to the bravery and integrity of Nina Ximenes and Scientific American, Brasil!


Homeopathic Creams to the Rescue

Homeopathy can be a life saver in first-aid situations. For example, I wrote in Impossible Cure about the power of Arnica to treat bumps, bruises, and shock situations, and I wrote a newsletter about Ledum, Hypericum and other remedies for insect bites. Any frequent visitor to a health food store also knows about the power of low-potency Calendula cream to seal up wounds. (By the way, higher potencies of Calendula can be taken internally as a way to fight infections.)

My own homeopath, Deborah Olenev, has recently come out with a line of great homeopathic creams. These are wonderful for first-aid situations and are particularly useful when you want to use a low-dose external remedy. In my experience, these low-potency homeopathic creams don't antidote an internally taken remedy.

Please do check out these very nice homeopathic first-aid creams at

It's May!

May Flowers